Welcome to the cheese factory. This is simply a place where I have recorded my thoughts on numerous strategies, ideas and all-around-cheesy goodness, primarily relating to Games Workshop strategy games.

I've listed at the top of the page all of the unit topics posted in my blog thus far. I'll obviously continue to add to these, but you can browse through the posts first by gaming system, then by army, and find the unit you are looking for.

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Monday, February 15, 2010

Battle Psykers with the Inquisition

- Inquisitor, Psychic Hood.
Drop the leadership of an enemy psyker when you have first turn. As the power lasts for the entire turn (not player turn), your opponent's leadership is still worthless in his phase. When he casts that power, you can stop it with ease. This is very effective verse eldar, slannesh and the like.

- Inquisitor. Divine Pronouncemnt.
This power is devastating when combined with your psyker battle squads. Your opponent must take a leadership test, with a penalty of the difference in respective leaderships, or immediately fall back. As guard tend to park near their objectives and shoot, when your opponent is running towards you, you want them to go away! This power virtually ensures that this will happen. This power is also amazingly effective when your psykers have burnt out a bit - with only 2 psykers left due to perils, dropping a leadership 9 unit to leadership 7 means they are now leadership 4 when facing Divine Pronouncement - how awesome is that? This is a great defensive power.

Furthermore -- if an opponent is already falling back, they automatically fail a moral test if they are forced to take a second one (apart from pinning, which they ignore/continue to fall back). So conceivably you could tank shock a unit into running, cast divine pronouncement on them to make them immediately run again, and shoot 25% of the unit down to force up to 6d6 inches of movement away from your objective! I haven'd done this with the tankshock, but certainly divine prouncement and shooting combined can truly be devastating. And when those units flee 3d6 naturally (bikes, jump packs, etc) they aren't going to be on the board for very long...

- Inquisitor. Purgatus.
This is a good power for destroying single characters that really give you a headache. Picture the space marine special character who gives his entire army his leadership. Drop his leaderhip to 4, then hit him with purgatus, and make him run. This power is also extremely useful versing other psykers - drop the leaderhip of that farseer with your psyker battle squad, hit him with purgatus, and your psychic hood will always stop their powers from now on (Fortune? Hahaha).

- Inquisitor, Hammer of the Witches.
I've taken this power for virtually the sole purpose of annhilating Seer Councils, which I find very annoying to play against. But it also works great against Tyrannids (and with the new codex just around the corner...) Drop the leadership of a psyker squad (or individual psyker if you must) and watch them squirm. No range limit, no line of sight required - I burned an entire seer council (all the warlocks died) with this power. Tyrannid Warriors lose half their unit every time. Orc weird boy sniping action, you get the idea! Of note - yes, it is difficult to get powers through Eldar defense, when they make you roll 3d6 - but it is somewhere around a 33% chance of successfully casting weaken resolve per unit, and 50% chance of casting hammer with your inquisitor, so 2 psyker squads will be successful perhaps 40% of the time you attept this (and you can attempt it a few times per game). So don't be too afraid to try - that seer council is worth far more to them than your psykers are to you!

- Culexus assassin.
The obvious - cheesey plus when you get assault 2 + 1 for every psyker in range. You can't really use your powers here (well, try if you want I guess), but this little beauty will kill anything in short range when combined with your psykers.

- Callidus assassin
By far my favourite, and I think far more deadly than the Culexus. Firstly, a word in your ear - move your opponents troop choice as close as you can to the board edge, drop their leadership, and force them to fall back! Particularly if you have first turn, this is a nightmare for any non-fearless unit. Secondly, the flamer attack of doom. Str 8 AP1 vs your opponents leadership. Drop that leadership 10 unit by 6, flame them, and instant death on 2's! Particularly as you appear anywhere you want on that battlefield. Also, remember to deploy both where your flame is effective, where you can be hidden from enemy shooting in the next turn, and (if you expect your opponent to run) inbetween the unit and his table edge - your oppoenent will have to run past you, and thus remain within 6 inches, not being able to rally in his following turn (very effective vs space marines!). Also note, you may still drop an opponents leadership, even if they are fearless. For example, that huge orc unit that is leadership 10 fearless, drops to leadership 4 fearless, and thus is toast vs your flamer. Even with 2-3 psykers left after perils, you can annhilate entire units. I use the callidus to clear out enemy objectives that I can't get to (again, focus on killing their troops where possible).

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